Monday, June 10, 2013


I smell freedom! F-R-E-E-D-O-M. Finally and I mean finally, I'm done and over with the one and only A-levels examination! After exactly one whole month, I'm done with exams.

Soooooo, what should I do now? Have a lot to do in mind but which one to start first? Lol. Haha I'm certainly gonna blog as much as I can. Gonna try and make so DIY. But first I need to get some materials! Gonna eat healthy! That's for sure! Go vacation! Yeah! Haha

Oh right! Bug Bikers event! So there's this Big Bikers event where bikers will gather riding their big bikes. It was held at Terminal One. 

Those bikes are displayed outside.

Cool bike right! Super big.

Nothing much to talk about haha.

Till here. 


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