Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Random stuffs.

Okay. Guys! What's your answer for the joke? Anyone have any idea what the answer could be? It's a very logical answer. That's a clue for you. So do comment!

Move on. Okay, I'm shocked at how many readers are reading my blog. Super happy and excited. Gives me the motivation to continue to blog. Thanks guys! 

I mentioned that I bought a dress online at Zalora. It's here! But.. Because I was not at home that time, I haven't got my parcel yet. Ahhhh. They went to my house twice. And twice I was out. Haha. Oh wells. It's alright. I'll just go their office and get my dress that I've been waiting for it to arrive. I can't wait to see that dress! Haha.

I've been wanting a piano. Since forever. I hope to have one. Soon enough. Haha. Among all the instruments, I love the piano. I love the melody, sound, I just love every part of it. My birthday coming soon and I want a piano for my birthday present! Haha. Talking about present, I prefer telling people what I want and get me what I want. What's the point buying me something that I don't need it and don't want it. No point right?! Haha. But on the contrary, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. Haha. Come on. I want what I want. You con surprise me with something else. HAHAHAHA. I don't mind as long as I got what I want. 

I want a lot of things. And I need them too! It's not like I want something just because I want and that I don't need it. Haha. No I want something and I need it okay. Haha. 

I've finish my maths paper. Both of them. Yeah! What a relieve. Left three more papers to go! Physics paper 5 and economics! Good luck people! I need some luck too! Good luck to me! 

I've been listening to this song, 'who am I to stand in your way' over and over again. Just love this song! This song is originally from Chester See. I bet many people know who he is. He went to Singapore for this social awards thingy. I love his voice! And he's one good looking guy too! Do check out his YouTube account and subscribe him! Hope to meet him one day! Okay, I got this photo from his fan page on Facebook. Isn't he handsome and hot?

Okay, till here guys. Till next time! Stay tuned!


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