Wednesday, January 22, 2014

50 Random Facts About Me.

Have this thought of writing 50 random facts about me.

Seen many YouTubers posting up videos about their 50 random facts. And I wanna give it a try. Haha. 

So here it goes.

1. I'm a banana. Banana refers to someone who's Chinese but doesn't know how to write/read/speak in Chinese. But I do speak Chinese! So I guess I'm half a banana? :P 

2. I love junk food. I can eat them every day. But not anymore. :)

3. Veggies ain't my thing. 

4. Old songs' my thing! 

5. I love French Fries! I can eat French Fries all day every day! And again, not anymore :)

6. I think dogs are cute. But I will never touch them. I once tried carrying my cousin's dog. But I ended up dropping her down on the floor. :O

7. Learnt violin when I was younger.

8. I love to hit people. Watch out guys. *Evil grins* Nah kidding. I mean I do hit people. But only those I'm really really close with. So no worries :)

9. I have trust issues. I think people doesn't trust me.

10. I wanna travel to Maldives with my love ones.

11. I don't like to cook. 

12. Love collecting perfumes. 

13. I can be very cray cray when I'm high. 

14. I laugh a lot. My English teacher once told me 'Camellia, you laughed too much'. Hehe. You know how teacher always told their students that they talked too much. But not me! I laugh too much!

15. I lost my voice (sorta) during my class trip to Damai. I shout too much in the middle of the night. HAHAHAHA. Woke up to a sexy voice. Haha. 

16. Regret not taking Chinese when I was in Primary school.

17. I prefer BM more than English.

18. I love eating potatoes. Call me potato queen. ✌️

19. I cry. Quite often. 

20. 20 is my age (2014). With a freaking two in front! That's sad. 

21. I've always wanted to learn the piano. My wish came true. :)

22. 22nd of June's my birthday. 

23. I never owned a Barbie doll. Well except for one. Which I redeemed using coupons.

24. I play Red Alert! That's more like my thing. 

25. I punch the wall when I get mad. It's my way of releasing my anger. 

26. I don't mind if people say I look fat. 

27. I'm not an outgoing type of person. I'm very quiet when I'm with strangers. 

28. I used to order coke every single time I'm out to eat. But not anymore. Which is a good thing! Keep it up cam! :D

29. I once challenged myself not to eat MacDonald's for a year. But the plan failed. Because the first thing I ate after I landed in Perth was MacDonald's breakfast. :( Well at least it lasted for half a year right? :)

30. I have very heavy eye bags. My friend say I look like alien when I didn't wear specs. 

31. Coffee is the love. I can drink coffee every single day. Love the aroma of it.

32. I love kids. They are so adorable!

33. I don't read books. People's hobby is reading. But not for me. Haha. Reading (books) ain't my thing. I prefer reading news/etc on the internet. 

34. I always knock myself. And ended up getting several bruises here and there. Daryl calls me miss clumsy.

35. Loves yam stick. I can only get it during Chinese New Year. There was one year I fall sick from eating too much. Hehe.

36. I love adventurous activities. Roller coaster rides! Mountain climbing. I get really excited!!

37. I used to cut myself. But not anymore. :)

38. When I was little, I was once poured over boiling water at my back. And I cried real hard.

39. I have this bad habit of not saving people's number in my phone book. And my friend gets annoyed at me cause I'll be like 'You are?'. Hehe.

40. I used to swim when I was younger. But not anymore. Because I'm sorta allergic to the chlorine.

41. I run for my school sport's house. Long distance baby.

42. I always keep things to myself. So know that you're important to me when I tell you my stuffs.

43. I've always wanted to learn tae kwon do. Self defense to protect myself.

44. I watch YouTube videos every single day.

45. I love sushi. Yums.

46. Love my girls. The Lenians. Forever and always.

47. DJC for life.

48. I love watching basketball live! Lakers fan!

49. I've always wanted to donate blood. To help others. Still in my wishlist.

50. I had braces for more than three years.

That's all!


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