Recently I've been going out almost every single night. Almost and I mean almost.
Last Saturday (28.9.2013) - Went Hartz for dinner with Eric. It's been so long since I last went there. I went there for their ice-cream and mashed potatoes and this chip thingy. Don't know what it's called. I don't know what occasion that day. There were so many people. Like its bulan Ramadan. But it's not! In fact it's over already. I had no idea why there were so many people. Anyway, Eric told me to get the ice-cream first. He has this feeling that it'll finish right before I'm about to eat it. So I did. And it really ran out of ice-cream in no time. He was right! But it's just common sense ma! So many people of course finish in no time la!
After dinner went Popular bookstore. Needed to buy some books for my students. I really need to find a way to teach my student. It this way doesn't work, I'll try another way. I'll continue trying until my student understands. I won't give up. And so is my student. We were there quite late. I hadn't had time to buy all the books that I want to purchase!
Last Sunday (29.13.2013) - I asked daddy to buy coffee from KL. Ever since I first taste this coffee back in the year 2011? I've been loving it until now. It's quite pricey for a packet but it's so delicious!
Tuesday (1.10.2013) - Time flies! In a blink of an eye, it's already October! That's so sad. In a few months time, I'll be in my twenties! That's so depressing. So old already! Time can you stop for awhile? So I suddenly remember this song called 'wake me up when September ends'. If I'm not wrong this song is by the chemical romance. So I decided to post this on Facebook and twitter. Haha. I find it funny. So I posted it. My friend asked me if I'm awake! HAHAHAHA. Freda is even funnier. She texted me asked me to wake up! I was blur. Was wondering why she sent such a message. Asked her and she said September ended. And I should be awake by now. So funny this girl! Piano lesson is on today. After piano went out again with Eric and my brother. Went to Smart bookstore looking for some books. I need to go to Popular bookstore because they sell the books that I want to buy for my students. Ended up empty-handed. Stopped by at Wu Cha. Was there for few hours! Played cards. It was super fun. I had a really great time.

I just realized that I didn't really go out le. Lol.
Oh ya. My naughty student called me Camry! Toyota Camry! Walao eh. My form 5 student. What la. I told him to whatsapp me if he'd any question. He did. And he was like cam can can can Camry Toyota Camry. Walao eh. Funny student. He told me his phone auto correct le!
Okay I shall stop here. Just a quick update! Stay tuned for more.