Jacq once told the lenians about this YouTuber called Blogilates. The host is Cassey Ho. She's a motivator! I saw few YouTubers watched her videos too. Why I say she's a motivator? Because while working out, she's there motivating you to work out too. She's there talking like she's just beside you. At least you don't feel like you're the only one working out.
The fact that its already June!, she has this one month program where you eat clean and work out to burn all those fats to lose weight. Isn't it great? Most of the people would want to lose those fats and get healthy!
She has a few recipes for cheap clean eats. She's uses organic ingredients to make all those food. Can you imagine that she used cauliflower and cheese as the base of a pizza?! That's amazing right? And the amount of calories are totally reduced. Like seriously. If anyone follow her recipes, I'm sure many of you will lose weight. And not forgetting her work out videos! They were amazing , haha. You can really feel those fats burning. It's good! Feels so good. Be consistent if you really wanna lose weight guys!
She made this cheap clean eat video on cookie ice cream and it looks so easy! You don't need much ingredients. All you need is a blender, one cup of oats and two bananas. See! I told ya! It doesn't cost much too. That's why it's called CHEAP clean eat. Haha. So I tried. I tried doing it and see how it'll turn out to be.
Let the pictures do some talking.
Here's the before cookies.
And here's the banana ice cream! Love this. Taste yummy. Natural ingredients! No added sugar. No nothing. You just slice your banana and froze it. After that put them into a blender and start blending it for one to two minutes. It's that simple! Trust me, it's yummy! Haha. Go and try guys!
Unfortunately, the cookies turn out to be a disaster. Haha. I don't know if I should be harden or what. But I guess cookies should harden right? But mine's not. Don't know if it's because of the oven. The maximum degree it can turn to is 250. And the video says 350. Haha. It's okay. I'm satisfied with the yummy banana ice cream.
So people! If anyone of you have a YouTube account, do subscribe Blogilates! You won't regret it!
I've seen pictures of women with abs. And I think it's super cool to have abs. Guys can have abs, what's wrong with girls having abs? I bet it'll look nice! Imagine yourself with abs. Sexy man. Haha. So I decided to work on my abs. I want!!!!! As long as I have the mind, one day I'll have abs. Haha. Good luck to me! Really have to work out! Yes!!!!!!
Till here.
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